Person Sheet

Name Richard (Dick) Crews MILLER
Birth 20 Sep 1925, Saginaw, MI
Death 13 Jan 1981, Saginaw, MI
Burial 16 Jan 1981, Forest Lawn Cemetery, Saginaw, MI
Occupation Assistant VP At Savings And Loan
Education Albion College
Religion Presbyterian
Father Carl Frederick MILLER (1894-1967)
Mother Gertrude Marcum McGAVOCK (1899-1973)
Misc. Notes
!Birth- Saginaw News, 1/14/81, Obituary

!Death- Saginaw News, 1/14/81, Obituary

a. Education
Graduated from Arthur Hill High School in 1943
Graduated from Albion College in 1949.
Received the graduate key from the graduate school of the
University of Indiana in 1955.
b. WW II
Served in US Army as a machine gunner with 119th Infantry, 30th
Division. He was wounded in action in Germany and received the
Purple Heart and the Bronze Star.
c. Employment
First Savings and Loan Association from 1949 - 1952.
Saginaw Savings and Loan Association (later known as the Family
Federal Savings and Loan Association) from 1952. He served as
Assisant Vice President since 1959.
d. Memberships
First Presbyterian Church - served as Elder and member of its
Board of Deacons and Mem's Club. Also served as Church
Member and past president of the Downtown Lion's Club.
Member of the Salina Lodge No. 155 F&AM.
Member and past president of the Saginaw Albion College Alumni
Member of the Bay City Consistory of the El Khurafeh Shrine.
Member of the American Legion Post No. 22.
Member of the Germania Club of Saginaw.
Member of the Fordney Club.
Member of the Allocations and Budget Committee of the United Way
of Saginaw.
Member of the Budget Committee of the United Way of Michigan
since 1959.
Last Modified 15 Aug 1992 Created 14 Oct 1999 by Reunion for Macintosh

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