a. Apparently he was the Breathitt County Clerk in 1866.
b. Ist Lt, Co. K, 14th KY Cavalry (Union) under Capt. Wm. Strong.
!Birth- Provided in Family Group Record written by Doris Perry and provided to me in August, 1992. US Census for Breathitt County, KY 1860, family 485, dwelling 485, pg 341 .
!Death- Hurst, J. C., "Strong Family in Kentucky", Lexington, Kentucky, 19 pages. Doris Perry has 20 Dec 1905 as death date in her Family Group Record.
!Marriage- Hurst, J. C., "Strong Family in Kentucky", Lexington, Kentucky, 19 pages.
c. Considered a farm hand in 1860 census at his fathers house. |